Saturday, February 28, 2009

Booting UBUNTU 8.10

OS: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
Kernel: 2.6.27-3-rt
Date: Feb 28th 2009

Hi guys,
Here is one more thing that was bugging me after I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10:
I couldn't shut down/ restart properly, I need to press down power button for forced power off. And whenever I tried to boot it used to hang up at some place i.e. at Configuring network interfaces,
Here is the solution that worked for me:
edit /etc/network/interfaces by
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces (use gedit or vi whatever you like remember to take back up if you are worried)
then comment out following lines
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp (dhcp or static )
#wireless-key ********** (your wireless key)
#wireless-essid 2WIRE*** (your router name SSID)

#iface eth0 inet static (dhcp or static)

restart your computer once and it should be working properly.
There is few things which you should consider as well
  • Prefer using network manager present in taskbar over any other program
There is another solution for booting problem as
  • Right - Click on network and uncheck enable networking/ wireless networking while you shutdown or restart your computer
  • Then restart or shutdown
  • I haven't tested it though as it needs to be done on every boot
  • However it seems a solution as commenting out those lines in above solution also works the same way (don't remember previous connection)
This solution was posted at: (last checked Feb 28th


OS: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)
Kernel: 2.6.27-3-rt
Date: Feb 28th 2009

Hi few days back I've upgraded from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10, I faced few problems and skype audio was one of them.
Whenever I tried to place a call it used give a message "Problem with audio playback":
Here is a solution that worked for me, execute all these commands on terminal:
  • killall pulseaudio
  • sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio
  • sudo apt-get install esound - you can as well use synaptic package manager.
  • sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio - this step is must otherwise you won't be able to login for next time
Now reboot the system and you should have working skype I haven't faced any other sound related problem since then.
And this one was posted at:


Hi guys this is my first try at blogging I'll try to keep it as explanatory as possible.
Well for this blog I'll try to focus on Ubuntu workarounds and configurations.
For my first few experiences I don't remember date and kernel etc please bare with it.
Anyway apart from ubuntu you may find few things about my hobbies like xtreme sport - skateboard for now and some stuff about photography, painting and maybe verilog as well.
Lets see how it goes. Thanks for being with me :)