Kernel: 2.6.27-3-rt
Date: Feb 28th 2009
Hi guys,
Here is one more thing that was bugging me after I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10:
I couldn't shut down/ restart properly, I need to press down power button for forced power off. And whenever I tried to boot it used to hang up at some place i.e. at Configuring network interfaces,
Here is the solution that worked for me:
edit /etc/network/interfaces by
sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces (use gedit or vi whatever you like remember to take back up if you are worried)
then comment out following lines
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp (dhcp or static )
#wireless-key ********** (your wireless key)
#wireless-essid 2WIRE*** (your router name SSID)
#iface eth0 inet static (dhcp or static)
restart your computer once and it should be working properly.
There is few things which you should consider as well
- Prefer using network manager present in taskbar over any other program
- Right - Click on network and uncheck enable networking/ wireless networking while you shutdown or restart your computer
- Then restart or shutdown
- I haven't tested it though as it needs to be done on every boot
- However it seems a solution as commenting out those lines in above solution also works the same way (don't remember previous connection) (last checked Feb 28th
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